National Health System
![National Health System National Health System](
One of a fairly fundamental subsystem of the National Health System (SKN) is a health care financing. The absence or no funding in the administration of optimal health efforts and other programs, is one of the main causes of not achieving health development goals that we want. Why not, almost all activities in development can not be denied, requires funding and costs. Some important factors in health financing must be considered include:
* The quantity of health development budget provided by government and private sector donations.
* Level of effectiveness and efficiency of use (functionalization) of the existing budget.
Therefore, health policy reform in a country should provide an important focus for health financing policy to ensure the adequacy, equity, efficiency and effectiveness. Planning and adequate health financing arrangements will help the government in a country to be able to mobilize financing sources, rationally allocate and use it efficiently and effectively. Health financing policy that prioritizes equality and pro-poor would encourage the achievement of universal access. In a broader aspect is believed that the financing in this field has contributed to social and economic development.
Health service itself in recent years become very expensive both in developed countries and in developing nations. Excessive Use of health services with high technology is one of the main causes. Another cause is the dominance of health care financing with cash payment mechanisms and weak capacity in the management of resources and services itself. WHO provides the focus of health financing strategy which includes key issues, challenges, the main objective of policies and action programs in general are in following areas:
* Increasing investment and public spending in health,
* Arranging the achievement of universal participation and strengthening permeliharaan poor health,
* Development praupaya financing schemes including social health insurance, excavation
* national and international support, strengthening of regulatory frameworks, and functional interventions,
* Developing policies based on scientific fact and thccbdus,
* Monitoring and evaluation.
Implementation of health financing strategies in a country is directed to a few basic things namely; sustainable financing of priority health programs, a reduction in cash funding individuals, eliminate the cost barriers to access health services, equity in access to services, improving efficiency and effectiveness of resource allocation and quality of services adequate and acceptable to service users.
MOH Strategic Plan 2005-2009 stated that improving health care financing is one of the four main strategies the health department in addition to mobilizing and empowering people to live healthier, improve public access to quality health services and improving surveillance systems, monitoring and health information.